
Decoding Life


It is said that “practice makes a man perfect.” But do you know why? Because a thought or action or anything needs to be repeated before it becomes sufficiently hard-wired into the brain. And what we mean by practice is basically the “repetition.” You must have heard the story when a person was told to cut a tree in 7 hrs and what he did was strengthen his sword for 6 hrs continuously. Through this…

We can’t deny the fact that we look at our phones or tablets or screens more often than we need to. We use them even at those times when we could be making some meaningful conversation with others, with our environment, with an activity, or with the present moment like eating mindfully (without any involvement of screens). Yes, we have been trapped in this game of mindless scrolling. How to know if a person is…

Have a look around you. People are dealing with emotions like worries, anxieties, stress, and other pessimism on a daily basis. Everyone knows that laughter is the best medicine still, they show stinginess on laughing. But why? An onion can make people cry but there’s never been a vegetable that can make people laugh. Will Rogers Do you remember the last time when you laughed genuinely? Not just a formal but a real, authentic, and…