


Collection of articles written on self-improvement

I am pretty average at most of the things I do. Be it writing blogs or in my professional job or handling my personal responsibilities, I can fulfill that well, and that I know. If exceptionalism is to be considered, then I guess “Creating memes about myself” would be something I can say I am extremely good at, or to be more precise something exceptional at. (Just for fun!) But even if I might be…

Recently, I developed a consistent urge to check for different tourist spots all over the world. The reasons are many and understandable. Maybe because of COVID 19′ everyone is so fed up with being at home, that having this urge can be described as natural. But the one thing that bothered me more was that I was too overwhelmed and watched others’ vacation photos on different social media platforms, wondering if they can, then why…

It is clear from the title of the topic that you have already realized that expectation hurts. And if the expectations are natural ones and not met, they can kill you from the inside. Natural I said because some expectations are natural like our expectations from our parents or vice-versa or teachers’ expectations from their students. The problem arises when those expectations go beyond a certain limit and become unrealistic. As a result, we suffer.…

In today’s digital age, etiquette is just as important online as it is in person. With so much of our communication now taking place digitally, it’s crucial to understand and follow digital etiquette to avoid misunderstandings, miscommunications, and even conflicts. In this blog, we’ll cover 81 such digital etiquettes that everyone should know and follow. So, let’s begin. Hope it helps! Similar reads: Living Mindfully in a digital world.