
Life Stories


Collection of articles written on individual unique experience in their past life

It was a regular summer evening. And I was lost in the vast expanse of my WordPress dashboard thinking about what to write next. Ideas were floating in and out like elusive butterflies. Suddenly, amidst this creative chaos, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. It was my mother. I picked up the phone, greeted by the warmth of her voice on the other end. She had sent me a photo. As I opened it,…

Ever since my childhood, I was that kid in school who needed to be the best (in each and every field), who needed all the awards and was somewhat like everyone’s favorite. Because of this, I always felt the pressure to keep producing consistently successful results. But this pressure increased with my growing age. I felt I needed to be perfect and master each area to succeed. When the reality was this perfection was killing my…

As we live and grow, we discover more about ourselves. And we find out, even more, when we often reflect on our choices, decisions, and actions. And as the year is about to end, I thought of writing down my reflections for this year again. 1. Screwing up is a part of the process. Starting with this, because this is the most common one. It’s okay to mess up. You can’t avoid failure at any…

I don’t know what’s wrong with me but sometimes I feel overwhelmed, other times I feel a little lost. Most of the time I try to figure out how am I feeling actually, what am I feeling actually and why am I feeling so. Sometimes happy without any reason other times sad without any reason. Maybe it’s just the vibes. But I don’t know the actual truth, the actual reasons. Argh! These streams of emotions.…