


It was a regular summer evening. And I was lost in the vast expanse of my WordPress dashboard thinking about what to write next. Ideas were floating in and out like elusive butterflies. Suddenly, amidst this creative chaos, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. It was my mother. I picked up the phone, greeted by the warmth of her voice on the other end. She had sent me a photo. As I opened it,…

In the picture above, both the persons (on the left and right) are striving for their respective goals. The person on left takes small steps while celebrating his small wins, while the person on the right is continuously worried about his big win while carrying the baggage of his efforts and expectations. In other words, instead of forcing a big win, the person on left believes in creating small wins and celebrating them while taking…

An individual has a wide range of professional alternatives to choose from. Still, there is a predefined career path that we are expected to follow when we are in school. Graduate first, then go for a master’s or MBA or look for a high-paying job in an industry that can give you wealth as well as status. STATUS to survive in this ultra-competitive world! But what if someone’s career trajectory doesn’t resemble the above-mentioned one?…

Winter is leaving, spring is arriving. Seasons are changing. With this, you might also be moving to new seasons in your life. Like you might have to shift to a new place for your new job, or possibly you are trying something new in order to increase your skills or want to start a new business or anything else. So, how do you perceive the changing seasons in your life? In other words, how to…