In the book Girl Wash Your Face, the author Rachel Hollis spells out all the lies that she and other women keep telling themselves every single day. This is a must-read book for all the women who believe that she is not good enough, beautiful enough, or lovable enough or it’s not her day. The author calls such beliefs to be lies; lies that are dangerous and devastating to our sense of worth and our ability to function. Moreover, she also tries to motivate women to unlock their full potential, sharing some insights through hundreds of her personal stories. Through these stories, she wants to convince that you must stop believing the lies about who you are so that you can become who you were meant to be.

Lessons I learned from this book:

Here is a quick summary of the book “Girl Wash Your Face”, containing a few life lessons that we, especially women can adapt to start leading a happier life.

1. You are the only one in control of your life.

Millions of women live daily, believing similar lies. But in reality, there is one truth that’s important to believe: you are the only one in control of your life, and only you have the power to work towards your dreams. Who told you that you are not worthy enough?

It’s only you who has the power to decide whether you are worthy enough or not. Only you are responsible for what you become and how happy you are, no one else. Your life is only up to you, not anyone else. You are better than you were yesterday and you will even be better tomorrow. So, stop giving your keys of happiness to others.

2. It’s important to celebrate the little achievements

If you think that something else will make you happy or you will be happier when you achieve this or on that day; these are mere illusions. There is no perfect day or perfect timing to be happy. So it’s important to celebrate your all achievements, no matter how little they may be. Don’t worry about what comes next. Celebrate the little pleasures of life now.

3. Your way is not the only way.

Many roads lead to the same destination. Everyone’s path is different. Stop thinking that anyone who thinks differently from you is wrong and you are always right. Instead, learn to practice more acceptance. Be open-minded and realize that your way is not the only way.

4. Focus on learning continuosly and voraciously.

Surround yourself with the right people, people who focus on building you up rather than dragging you down. Stop putting yourself down after every rejection that you experience. And start taking rejection as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. (Here is how you can do that).

5. Try to look for the silver lining in clouds

No matter how hard you try, you just can’t get rid of your bad days or low vibes. As a woman, you have to fulfill many responsibilities in the form of a daughter, sister, wife, daughter-in-law, mother, etc. Besides this, the expectations of your family, your in-laws, other members of your personal as well as professional life, and also of the whole society is always there to daunt you. It’s okay if you can’t be perfect in each and every aspect of this list. It’s okay if you fail in any of this list. What you can do is face it, accept it, and take it positively. Cry if you need to. But then wipe your tears and freshen up to prepare for your next move.

6. Diversify your community

The author had grown up in a conservative and religious Southern California small town. So, as a teenager, when she went on a trip to Disneyland with her symphonic band, she was so surprised looking at the diversity of other guests. For the first time in her life, she was surrounded by men holding hands, different friends of different races, and people covered in crazy tattoos. She was not at all aware of reacting to such diversity and so she ended up staring at them as if she was visiting a zoo. Since this trip, she’s realized how important it is to be a part of a community of people who don’t look like you, believe like you, or act like you. Diversifying your community is a great way to enhance your character and become the best version of yourself. Your life is like a book, and the story would be so boring if all the characters were the same. Isn’t it?

7. Spirituality helps always

Spiritual intervention or a spiritual approach towards life can help you to redevelop your faith, especially during tough times. So, if ever you are faced with the adversities of life, try to shift yourself to spirituality and you will notice wonders soon.

God has perfect timing, and it’s highly possible that by not being where you thought you should be, you will end up exactly where you’re meant to go.

Also read: 6 reasons why you must study spirituality.

8. You don’t need to be a people pleaser

If someone or something disturbs the peace within you, move away. You can always move away, as you have this choice. Not all the people you meet in your life are good for you. In that case, you must know how to deal with such people. Stop being a people pleaser.


It’s the right time to identify and systematically destroy every lie that you have told yourself ever. You have to keep going until being in control feels more natural than being out of control.

A caterpillar is awesome, but if the caterpillar stopped there having decided that she is already good enough, we would all miss out to see the beautiful butterfly she would become. In the same way, you are more than what you have become. You are a warrior, a fighter. You get one and only one chance to live. Moreover, life is passing by you at a much faster rate. So stop beating yourself up. Stop eating your feelings instead of working towards them. Your life is supposed to be a journey from one unique place to another. It’s not supposed to be a merry-go-round that brings you back to the same spot over and over again.

Has “Girl, Wash Your Face” been sitting on your reading list? What are the key ideas from the book which you liked the most? Do let us know in the comments.

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Nature lover, voracious learner, keen observer

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