
Decoding Life


This article is my answer to the question I asked in the previous article titled “More connected or More isolated?”. (If you haven’t read that yet, go for that first). The reasons for loneliness are many. But if you are feeling lonely, because of the time you spend on your so-called connections in the digital world, then this article is for you. No matter whatever be the cause of loneliness is, we can’t deny that…

Unknowingly, we have fallen into the comparison trap in every aspect of our life. The number of categories in which we can compare ourselves to others is many like our marks, salaries, our standard of living, or our social media profiles. This article discusses 7 simple and effective ways by which we can avoid this disastrous habit of comparison, and get rid of the Comparison Trap. What is the Comparison Trap? It is the habit of…

Sometimes I feel that feeling overwhelmed in this world of chaos is the new normal. This feeling generally comes by realizing that we always have something more to do or some other pending work on our to-do lists. And when we are not able to manage those works or lists properly, we feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed. Not to mention the complications that COVID-19 brought for us, it becomes quite difficult to juggle all of…

Many a time, negative thoughts are very hard to remove from our minds. One can not allow these to grow as it adversely affects our normal life. This article talks about a simple mind exercise ‘Box method’. It can be used to train the mind to effectively manage the negative thought process. And find a calm state of mind. Introduction When we are awake, it seems that our mind is in a fast and continuous…