

Nature lover, voracious learner, keen observer

Do you know someone whose presence is charismatic? Or someone who is so lively that everyone loves to be around them? They have an undeniable presence in their surroundings, which is effortless. They have certain qualities that make them more alluring to others. What is it exactly that makes them so? The answer to this question is their strong aura. An aura is an energy that surrounds you. In other words, it is the vibrations…

Prayers are mighty and influential. It brings peace to our minds, solutions to our problems, hopes in times of despair, unexpected miracles, and whatnot. Still, I struggle to pray some days. I know I will be making a lame excuse if I say I didn’t get any time to pray because of a busy schedule. After all, if something is important to me, I will definitely make time for it. Moreover, if you are an…

Ever since my childhood, I was that kid in school who needed to be the best (in each and every field), who needed all the awards and was somewhat like everyone’s favorite. Because of this, I always felt the pressure to keep producing consistently successful results. But this pressure increased with my growing age. I felt I needed to be perfect and master each area to succeed. When the reality was this perfection was killing my…

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in others’ lives and problems. And a lot easier task is to advise others rather than implement it on yourself. In short, we often feel the need to involve ourselves in situations that don’t directly concern us. Many of us keep poking our noses into others’ matters even when it’s not requested or desired. However, sometimes it becomes important to take a step back and…