


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in others’ lives and problems. And a lot easier task is to advise others rather than implement it on yourself. In short, we often feel the need to involve ourselves in situations that don’t directly concern us. Many of us keep poking our noses into others’ matters even when it’s not requested or desired. However, sometimes it becomes important to take a step back and…

The following article presents a summary of the book titled ‘Unlimited Memory’ written by Kevin Horsley. It also attempts to bring out the lessons one can learn from this book. Would you like a speech from an orator, who periodically takes a pause and refer to his notes? Or like to be attended by a doctor, who after examining your body, searches the web to find the remedy for the disease that infected you? Do…

As the name suggests, in the book The 5-Second Rule, the world-famous speaker and bestselling author Mel Robbins presents the simplest method that you can use to control your brain. Not only this, but this tool will also help you avoid laziness and procrastination hence enhancing your productivity. She discovered this little counting trick while watching a commercial on TV that showed a rocket launch. 5…4…3…2…1 – go! And the next morning, everything changed for her,…