
Arvind Marandi

I firmly believe that life is a collection of extraordinary stories, waiting to be experienced rather than simply narrated. I'm Arvind Marandi, a writer passionate about exploring the intersection of life and spirituality. While my background is in engineering, with a decade of training and industry experience, writing about life's journey has always been close to my heart. Through my articles, I delve into the multifaceted relationship between life and its incredible experiences. My interests encompass mental well-being, self-improvement, the interplay between humans and technology, and insightful book summaries. I strive to present complex ideas clearly and engagingly, fostering thoughtful discussions and encouraging readers to critically examine the role of spirituality and well-being in their own lives. Whether you're a seasoned professional navigating life's mid-stages or an enthusiastic student juggling various roles and eager to learn, I invite you to join me on this exploration. Together, let's navigate the complexities of life through my writing and your valuable insights.

We always recall our childhood days to be the most memorable. Back then, we were full of joy and playfulness. But as we grow up, our playful nature fades, and we start carrying a dull face around. This article, using Lord Krishna’s life as an example, tries to explain the essence of playfulness in our life. It also suggests simple ways to revive our playful nature. Today is Krishna Janmashtami. People all around the world…

We all know about time management. In simple terms, it is a rule to allocate different tasks in a given time; so that we can perform more work efficiently. It is often the case, even after following the rules of time management, we miss our goals. One of the reasons this can happen is because we are poorly managing our Focus. We have been hearing about time management for a very long time. Most of…