
life lesson


Life can be challenging, and unfair sometimes. Don’t you agree? As you get older, you might feel that you’ve hit the rock bottom, and there is no way out. You feel that everything is at its worst and that you have failed. Giving up then is the only possibility you can think of. After all, we’ve all thought about giving up on a dream at some point in life, because the odds seem stacked against…

(Yama said) One is good while another is pleasant. These two, serving different ends, bind men; happiness comes to him, who, of these, chooses the good; whoso chooses the pleasant forfeits the true end. Source Imagine yourself somewhere middle of a long road. Your goal is to reach the famous and divine city, that goes by the name The Blissful City. In this city, people are happy and satisfied with whatever resource they have. They…