
life lesson


“The Monk who sold his Ferrari” is a spiritual fiction by Robin Sharma- a former lawyer, an author, and a top-class leadership expert in the world. This fiction is about a successful lawyer named Julian Mantle and how he and his life changed after his spiritual awakening took place, after a near-death experience. The story begins with Julian’s massive heart attack in the middle of a packed courtroom. The author provides the readers with a…

The genius mind of Rabindranath Tagore produced countless masterpiece and ‘Dui Pakhi’ is widely known to be his second-best creation right after legendary ‘Gitanjali’. This short poem inspired many artists, writers, activists and philosophers around the world and is so relevant today. The poem holds its importance as it beautifully illustrates the contrasting individuality shackled to their circumstances and succumbed to their conformities. The Illusion Of Choice. In classic Tagore magnanimous style, birds are evaluating…

“My responsibilities have grown but I haven’t. Time is progressing at a much faster rate, but I feel I am stuck in the same place and situation for years. My finances are at stake. Nothing is going as I planned or dreamt of all this time. My life sucks by keeps getting on worse. I don’t know what to do or where to get help from. I feel hopeless, so I just want to disappear.…