
Book Summary


“The Monk who sold his Ferrari” is a spiritual fiction by Robin Sharma- a former lawyer, an author, and a top-class leadership expert in the world. This fiction is about a successful lawyer named Julian Mantle and how he and his life changed after his spiritual awakening took place, after a near-death experience. The story begins with Julian’s massive heart attack in the middle of a packed courtroom. The author provides the readers with a…

Importance of emotional intelligence is being discussed quite recently. Daniel Goleman’s best-seller book ‘Emotional intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ’ touched many aspects and application of emotional intelligence. This article is a summary of its ninth chapter which discusses the application of emotional intelligence in a relationship, ‘Intimate Enemies’ Why are these Enemies Intimate? Goleman termed this chapter, creatively but quite provokingly, ‘Intimate Enemies’. He described how emotional intelligence is essential for a…

“I really hate this subject! No information from its textbook goes inside my head.” “I wish the exam were held only to test my favorite subject. Then, I could easily score a perfect.” Don’t these words sound familiar? We all have gone through this moment. For some long-expression of mathematics whereas for other, complex rules of grammar is difficult to grasp. Then again, we find some of our classmates who are excellent at it, despite…

As the name suggests, in the book The 5-Second Rule, the world-famous speaker and bestselling author Mel Robbins presents the simplest method that you can use to control your brain. Not only this, but this tool will also help you avoid laziness and procrastination hence enhancing your productivity. She discovered this little counting trick while watching a commercial on TV that showed a rocket launch. 5…4…3…2…1 – go! And the next morning, everything changed for her,…