

Nature lover, voracious learner, keen observer

Have you ever felt strongly that something is the right or wrong decision? It’s that time when you don’t care about any logic anymore because deep inside you know that whatever you are feeling is only true. That’s what is known as vibes or intuition or gut feelings. You must have also heard people saying to always trust your vibes. But why? Have you ever thought about what’s so special about these vibes? Why should…

I am someone who believes in planning, most of the time. Planning for my day-to-day activities, my ambitions, my dreams, my hobbies, and the list includes many more. After all, planning, goal setting, organizing, strategizing, predicting, and executing seem fascinating to me. And that overthinking regarding the choices I made in life along with the confusion that almost every one of us has, is not a big deal. It’s a part and parcel of adult life. And…

We perceive success as our ultimate goal. And why not, what can be more fulfilling than being successful at what you do? What can be more satisfying than being able to achieve your dreams finally after rigorous hard work, perseverance, and courage? However, what happens when this pursuit of success becomes an obsession, and we don’t even ponder over what are we sacrificing for? What happens when that success comes at the expense of others?…

Holi is a colorful and vibrant festival celebrated all over the world. It is a time when people come together to rejoice, play, and spread love and happiness. It’s a celebration of unity. However, beyond the vibrant colors and joyous festivities, Holi holds deep spiritual significance that we often overlook. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the spiritual significance of Holi and how it helps us to understand the true essence of life.…