
Book Summaries


“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This is the 7th verse from the 23rd chapter of the Book of Proverbs. That’s how the inspiration for the title of James Allen’s book came from. He wrote this book representing the power of thoughts. What are thoughts? If I ask you what are you thinking right now, what will be your answer? Nothing! Well, that’s not possible. As long as we breathe, we…

Hitler and Gandhi both were extremists. But Gandhi chose humanity over anything else and propounded the path of Ahimsa as the way to serve mankind. On the other hand, Hitler chose racial superiority over humanity and believed that the superior race (the native Germans) was born to rule the inferior races. In a bid to conquer the world and establish Nazi superiority, Hitler committed the deadliest atrocities humanity could ever think of. Hitler’s way of…

Through “Digital Minimalism”, Cal Newport shows us the mirror reflecting how we have become slaves to the noisy digital world. He aims to teach us how to live mindfully in a digital world, through his principles of digital minimalism. The principles discussed in this book will help you cultivate a digital life in which new technologies serve your deeply held values as opposed to subverting them without your permission. Our relationship with the technology. Our…