

Nature lover, voracious learner, keen observer

To show appreciation towards others is one of the gestures we hardly do these days. It’s more of a flatter and less of a genuine appreciation now. This article discusses the need for showing genuine appreciation along with some healthy ways, towards the people or things who made an impact in our lives, doesn’t matter how small it may be. Have you ever paused to appreciate the people or things in your life? Whether you…

Recently, I developed a consistent urge to check for different tourist spots all over the world. The reasons are many and understandable. Maybe because of COVID 19′ everyone is so fed up with being at home, that having this urge can be described as natural. But the one thing that bothered me more was that I was too overwhelmed and watched others’ vacation photos on different social media platforms, wondering if they can, then why…

This article is my answer to the question I asked in the previous article titled “More connected or More isolated?”. (If you haven’t read that yet, go for that first). The reasons for loneliness are many. But if you are feeling lonely, because of the time you spend on your so-called connections in the digital world, then this article is for you. No matter whatever be the cause of loneliness is, we can’t deny that…

“Ikigai” by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles gives you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal IKIGAI. It focuses on finding our purpose in life and throwing ourselves into our passions. No matter what your age is, it’s never too late to work on your ikigai. Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years. Japanese Proverb People of Japan believe that our IKIGAI is hidden deep inside each of us, and finding it requires…