I know someone whose aura never fades,
A light that forever shines and cascades.
In his presence, the world seems brighter,
His spirit is so pure, so divine, and lighter.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
Whose heart is filled with love that never betrays.
His smile is like a warm embrace,
A shelter for me who is in need of grace.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
Whose strength in my adversity pervades.
Whose words and guidance are so true,
That helps me to find my breakthrough.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
Whose light shines through my life’s shades.
A beacon of hope in times of despair,
With a love so strong, so rare.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
Whose presence is like a soothing serenade.
His grace, his voice so divine,
Who always motivates me how to shine.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
Whose charisma forever cascades.
A blessing to me who crossed his path,
His light and love are an everlasting bath.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
And in his presence, my heart serenades.
For in his light, I find my own,
And my soul is forever grown.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
The constant happy hormone that my mind craves.
To my each little problem, he is the only solution,
The emotions I have for him is beyond the realms of description.
I know someone whose aura never fades,
My absolute favourite, THEN, NOW and ALWAYS!